Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kesahihan Kisah Anak Saidina Umar ra.

Dicedok dari
 untuk panduan saya dan semua.............

Pernah ketika penulis mendengar Bayan Suboh (Kuliah Suboh) Maulana Umar Palampuri, dalam menceritakan seorang musoh Islam yang berkeinginan membunoh Nabi saw, namun kesudahannya beliau mendapat hidayat dari Allah swt. Semua yang mendengar memahami bahawa kisah itu adalah kisah Saidina Umar r.a . Namun kerana disebalik kisah berkenaan ada sedikit kerendahan kepada sahabat Nabi saw beliau tidak menyebut nama Saidina Umar r.a di dalam menceritakan kisah berkenaan. Ini adalah kerana ada larangan dari Nabi saw agar tidak menghina para-para sahabat di dalam banyak riwayat.
Sahl bin Abdillah rah berkata, “ Barang siapa yang tidak menghurmati para sahabat r.hum maka ia tidak beriman kepada Rasulullah saw.”

Berkaitan dengan kisah anak Saidina Umar r.a, Ulama-ulama Hadis sepakat mengatakan bahawa kisah berkenaan terdapat unsur “tabbara” yang biasanya diketengahkan oleh gulongan “Rawafid” atau Syiah. Memang terkenal di dalam sejarah sampai ke hari ini bahawa gulongan Syiah cukup benci dan sentiasa melaknati sahabat Nabi saw di dalam doa-doa mereka dan khutbah-khutbah mereka.

“Tabbara” adalah satu konsep yang telah menjadi prinsip di dalam perancangan musoh-musoh Islam khususnya Syiah untuk melaknati sahabat-sahabat Nabi saw secara tersembunyi melalui cereka-cereka atau hikayat-hikayat yang pada lahirnya nampak seolah-olah memuji namun pada hakikatnya adalah penghinaan dan cemuhan. Di dalam ilmu Balaghah ianya dikenali dengan “ Ta’kiduu Adzzammi bima yusybihu al madha” atau “celaan di dalam bentuk pujian”

Ulama-ulama di dalam bidang hadis menghukumkan riwayat di dalam kisah berkenaan adalah “maudhu” atau palsu. Imam Ibn al- Jauzi rah berkata, “ Hadis berkenaan adalah maudhu’. Ia telah direka oleh ahli cerita. Banyak perkara karut yang terdapat di dalamnya.” Manakala Hafiz Jalaluddin as- Sayuti pula berkata, “ Riwayat ini maudhu’. Ianya direka oleh ahli-ahli cerita yang mana di dalamnya terdapat seorang yang majhul.” Selain itu Allamah Muhammad Thahir bin Ali al-Hindi pula berkata, “ Kisah Abu Syahmah anak Saidina Umar ini adalah cerita rekaan oleh ahli cerita.” Daruqutni pula berkata ,” Riwayat Mujahid ini tidak sahih.”

Sebenarnya kisah ini terdapat tiga versi yang sedikit sebanyak ada tokok tambah. Ianya terdapat dua riwayat iaitu dari Said bin Masruq dan Abu al-Quddus.

Antara kesan kecacatannya adalah seperti berikut :

1. Perawi kisah ini menggunakan perkataan ‘Ghulam’. Pada beberapa tempat maknanya adalah berbeza-beza. Sesetengahnya perkataan ‘Ghulam’ bermakna ‘Hamba’ namun pada tempat yang lain pula bermakna ‘budak lelaki’. Ini menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa pereka cerita ini adalah orang Parsi, yang mana bahasa Arab bukan bahasa ibundanya. Kekadang ia tersasul menggunakan makna bahasa Arab dan kekadang di dalam makna Parsi. Dalam bahasa Parsi perkataan ‘ghulam’ bermakna ‘hamba atau khadam’. Manakala di dalam bahasa Arab pula ‘ghulam’ bermakna ‘budak lelaki yang belum baligh’. Tentunya perkataan ‘ghulam ‘ pada makna ‘hamba’ tidak boleh digunakan untuk Abu Syahmah, yang mana sepatutnya dengan makna Arab yakni ‘budak lelaki’. Namun begitu perkataan ‘ghulam’ pun tidak juga boleh digunakan untuk menunjukan semua peringkat budak lelaki. Ianya hanya merujuk kepada budak lelaki yang belum baligh sahaja.

2. Jika ‘ghulam ‘ dirujuk kepada Abu Syahmah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan di dalam kisah berkenaan, maka ini menunjukan bahawa kisah ini tidak logik. Mana mungkin budak yang belum baligh boleh berbuat demikian dan mana mungkin hukuman tersebut boleh dikenakan kepada anak kecil.

3. Di dalam kisah berkenaan, Aflah atau Muflih adalah hamba Saidina Umar r.a sedangkan hamba saidina Umar r.a yang ada di dalam catitan sejarah bernama Aslam bukannya Aflah atau Muflih. Aflah atau muflih adalah nama seorang muazzin di masjid Nabi saw. Saidina Umar telah melantiknya menjadi muazzin di masjid Nabawi.

4. Di dalam cerita berkenaan digambarkan bahawa wanita berkenaan berulang alik ke rumah Saidina Umar r.a dengan membawa anaknya. Ini menunjukkan bahawa ianya seorang wanita yang telah berkahwin, bukan gadis. Umar r.a pula tidak mengenalinya dan hanya mengenalinya takala melihatnya di masjid.

5. Sepatutnya wanita berkenaan melaporkan kejadian berkenaan pada peringkat awal kejadian. Sikap berdiam diri sehingga melahirkan anaknya dan telah besar membuktikan bahawa kejadian itu berlaku dengan kerelaannya. Maka kedua-duanya sepatutnya dihukum.

6. Nama Abu Syahmah adalah nama “kunyah” dan ianya tidak jelas siapakah orang yang di’kunyah’kan. Jika ianya dikunyahkan pada anaknya maka kisah ini menjadi begitu lucu kerana seorang yang ada anak bererti “zina muhsan” yang mana hukum sebenarnya adalah ‘rejam’ (lihat pada posting bulan Jan 2010 : Hukum Rejam Bagi Penzina)

7. Sesiapa yang membaca cerita ini akan tergambar bahawa suasana Madinah semasa pemerintahan Saidina Umar r.a dipenuhi dengan arak. Kedai-kedai arak di mana-mana, malah anak-anak sahabat yang ulung juga tidak ketinggalan terlibat dengan arak. Betulkah begitu ? Sedangkan Allah swt mengatakan kehidupan mereka sebagai “Hayatan thoiyyiba”.

8. Cacatan sejarah membuktikan bahawa Saidina Umar r.a telah menghalau semua suku-suku Yahudi dari Madinah. Jadi mana mungkin masih ada lagi Yahudi di Madinah?

9. Dikatakan bahawa Abu Syahmah telah meminum arak tersebut di kebun Yahudi Bani an-Najjar dan kejadian zina itu juga berlaku di sana. Tahu tak kita bahawa kebun Bani an-Najjar itu sebenarnya adalah kawasan Masjid Nabi saw dan rumah Abu Ayub an-Ansori juga terdapat di dalam kawasan ini. Kawasan ini telah dibangunkan Masjid Nabi saw ketika Nabi saw hijrah ke Madinah. Ini bermakna, ketika zaman Saidina Umar r.a menjadi khalifah ianya telah tiada.

10. Tindakkan Saidina Umar r.a mengumpulkan penduduk Madinah sebelum siasatan dibuat menunjukkan ceteknya ilmu feqah Saidina Umar r.a sedang ulama-ulama mengatakan bahawa Umar r.a adalah salah seorang yang mahir tentang hukum hakam. ( Cth : Kitab Feqah Saidina Umar r.a karangan Syah Waliyullah Dehlawi )

Atas dasar semua inilah maka Imam Ibn al-Jauzi rah berkata, “ Mula-mula mereka mengatakan Abu Syahmah itu rupanya mirip dengan Rasulullah saw. Kemudian mereka menuduh pula dia merogol perempuan. Perawinya Abu al-Quddus adalah penduta besar.”

Dalam cacatan sejarah yang di akui bahawa Abu Syahmah ini bukanlah nama kunyah (samaran) Ubaidullah tetapi adalah nama samaran Abdul Rahman al-Ausath. Beliau adalah salah seorang anak lelaki Saidina Umar r.a. Cacatan sejarah yang diterima menyatakan beliau pernah bersama robongan Amru bin al-Asy r.a di dalam satu angkatan jihad ke Mesir. Satu hari beliau meminun nabiz dan kebetulan beliau mabuk. Sedangkan nabiz sememangnya adalah halal namun jika telah lama maka ianya akan bertukar rupa dan memabukkan.

Namun begitu beliau telah berjumpa denga Amru bin al-Asy r.a dan meminta hukum had dikenakan ke atas beliau. Namun Amru bin al-Asy r.a tidak mahu melaksanakan kerana beliau tidak mendapati kesan mabuk pada Abdul Rahman serta juga ketiadaan saksi. Abdul Rahman mengertak untuk mengadu kepada ayahnya Saidina Umar r.a dan akhirnya hukuman ini dilaksanakan di dalam khemah dengan tidak diketahui oleh sesiapa pun. Bila berita ini sampai kepada Umar r.a maka beliau menegur Amru bin al-Asy r.a kerana tidak melaksanakannya dikhalayak ramai. Bila Abdul Rahman pulang ke Madinah dengan kemenangan menguasai Mesir, Umar r.a pun melaksanakan hukuman itu sebagai pendidikan dan tarbiah. Secara kebetulan selepas beberapa hari kejadian itu Abdul Rahman pun jatuh sakit dan meninggal dunia.

Selepas mengemukakna cerita ini Ibn Jauzi dan As Sayuti menulis bahawa,” Sekadar inilah asal cerita ini tetapi penulis cerita telah menakuk tambah sehingga menjadi satu cerita yang tersendiri.”

Ini sebahagian kisah-kisah yang telah dibuktikan oleh ulama-ulama yang terkandung “Tabbara” terhadap musuh dan “tawalla” terhadap yang dikasihi iaitu Ali r.a dan keluarganya oleh orang-orang Syiah.

(Rujukan : Himpunan Kisah-Kisah Benar karangan Abu Sulaiman Nashir)

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Aku dah hilang sabar

Seolah-olah kena tipu oleh penjual air-cond. Menyesal aku beli. Pada 31 januari 2010 aku beli. penjual tu kata ok. balik aku pasang langsung tak sejuk berpeluh lagi ada. pasang kipas lagi sejuk.. ni aircond aku beli tu...
pergi balik kat cina tu.. kata tak sejuk.. dia kata you pakai lama2 dia sejuk la... haram tak sejuk dah 2 minggu.... nak tunggu dia mai ambik jangan harap.. last2 aku sendiri pergi hantar kat kedia dia.. di parit buntar.. siang sdn bhd. memang nak kena siang..

memang ada warranty.. 1 tahun.dia hantar balik kilang. sekarang dah sebulan lebih tak dengar apa cerita.. tiap2 minggu aku ke kedai tu... buat macam lupa plak diorang ni... dah masuk minggu ke 5 aku follow up.. lepas ni aku nak pergi lagi.. tak jugak aku nak ambil tindakan buat report.......

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dunia Pantas

Dunia rasanya 24 jam juga. Tapi masa berlalu begitu pantas. Pejam celik dah seminggu, sebulan, setahun dah separuh umur hidup kat duni ni...
Banyak lagi benda belum buat.. amal banyak lagi kurang.. hutang masih banyak.. ishh..

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Writing a scientific review paper

Very good for writing review paper.........

General points:

• Try to make your research paper an integrated synthesis of the literature, rather than a jumbled regurgitation of facts.

• Give yourself enough time! For a 10-20 page paper it ideally takes a month to carry out the library searches and to collect the necessary materials (inter-library loans etc).

• Start out with a clear idea of the question you are trying to answer in the paper. Write it somewhere and show it to an advisor to see if it makes sense, is "do-able" etc. In general a simple, specific idea is easier to research and to write about. Equally it must be interesting and inclusive enough to ensure there's enough material available to review.

• Get to know the library a.s.a.p.! Make sure you are familiar with all the resources available to help you locate references. Using the library well will save you hours of work and days of frustration!

• Take notes, including full citations (authors' names, journal, date and page
number) from each paper as you read it. Use index cards or a word processor.
Index cards are nice in that you can shuffle them around, color code ideas on
them, highlight etc. The advantage of using a word processor is that you will later
be able to use your notes to cut and paste together the first draft, plus you'll have all your citations there already which saves time when building your citation list.Organize your notes. "Where did I read that?" is the plague of all writers. The better organized your notes, the less this is a problem.

• Outline your paper before setting pen to paper for anything else! This will help
you to organize your thoughts and will markedly improve the overall quality of
your final product.

• Don't be afraid to write your ideas down before they are perfectly formed. If you can get them down on paper, you can place them in a logical sequence and
develop them into a flowing presentation later.

• Use the draft system: Write a first draft. Leave it for a day or two. Come back to it and revise it as much as you can, then let someone read it. Once they have read it,revise the paper again. Respond to your reviewer's comments and also clarify any passages that seemed to confuse them. Expect that your paper will need revisions and don't feel bad when that turns out to be true.

• Don't write in the first person (I think). This reduces your credibility. Write with authority (It is, they do)

What goes into a review paper?

When writing a review paper your job is to present what is known about a specific topic and to synthesize all the unconnected threads of the individual studies into an integrated "State of the Science" type of review. In your paper you will outline the overall picture of your topic area it is currently understood by scientists in that field. Your paper should clearly outline any problems that are currently being addressed, and explain the basis of any conflicts that exist between experts in the field. If there are important conflicts as a reviewer you are in a position to suggest which side of the conflict has the weight of evidence supporting it and why. For conflicts which, in your opinion, do not yet have a clear resolution, you are also in a position to makes suggestions as to the types of experiments need to be done to resolve those arguments.

Your review paper should have the following sections:

A. Title: As for a research paper, this should be short and inform your reader of the
major ideas that will be discussed.

B. Abstract: Again this should be written last and should summarize the major points made within the body of your paper.

C. Introduction: Your introduction should be short and concise (ca. 1page) and is not given a separate heading from the body of the paper. The purpose of the introduction is to introduce your reader to the ideas that you will be addressing in the body of your paper. In your introduction you should be trying to bring readers from different backgrounds up to speed with the "thesis" or objective of your paper and explain to them why it is that this issue is important. It is not a review of the field... that is what the body of the paper is
for! It is generally written after the body of the paper is completed (so that you know where you've "gone" intellectually in the paper and thus can effectively communicate to your reader what to expect).

D. Body: In this portion of your paper you will outline the background for your idea and begin to synthesize ideas from the papers you've read in order to build a coherent "thesis". Before you write this section, figure out what your perspective is going to be (what are you trying to show?). Having done this, try to present your ideas in such a way that they build your discussion logically towards your goal. Outlines will be a big help to
you at this stage. Frequently using headings (e.g. History of the idea, Specific conflicts etc.) can help you to systematically address each important point that you wish to make, as well as helping your reader to follow your arguments. Once you've developed your headings you can then go back and place topic sentences for each paragraphs of information you wish to convey under the appropriate heading. Each paragraph should
have clear, well thought out points, and should contain only the information needed to make or support that point. Fill in each paragraph with more details until you have a coherent argument building towards your final, concluding statement.

E. Conclusion: Like the introduction, the conclusion section is not usually separated from the body of the paper, although it can be if it is really long. In this section you should restate the objective(s) of your paper and point out how you have satisfied these goals. It should also reiterate what the major conclusions (ideas) of your study are.

F. Acknowledgments: Again this should include only people who made considerable impact on your research... people with whom you had fruitful discussions, a librarian who spent hours with you trying to track down an elusive publication that was key to your research etc.

G. Literature Cited. Should follow the standard format outlined by the journal in which you will publish.

JUMAAT: Adakah Ia Satu Kebetulan Atau Petanda?

Sesuatu yang menarik perhatian aku berkaitan Jumaat dalam tahun 2010..........


27-11-2009 Jumaat Hari Raya AidilAdha
18-12-2009 Jumaat Tahun Baru Hijrah
25-12-2009 Jumaat Sambutan Krismas
01-01-2010 Jumaat Tahun Baru Masihi
26-02-2010 Jumaat Sambutan Maulud NABI SAW
28-06-2010 Jumaat Hari Wesak
05-11-2010 Jumaat Sambutan Depavali
10-09-2010 Jumaat Hari Raya AidilFitri
01-01-2010 Jumaat Gerhana Bulan
15-01-2010 Jumaat Gerhana Matahari

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Photo slideshow

Skim khas profesor elak politiking

KUALA LUMPUR 10 Mac – Kajian semula terhadap skim perkhidmatan pensyarah berupaya mengelakkan politiking dalam universiti kerana golongan profesor tidak perlu berebut untuk memegang jawatan pentadbiran.
Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin berkata, langkah itu juga membolehkan para profesor memberi tumpuan kepada kepakaran sebenar mereka menjalankan penyelidikan membangunkan negara dan menjayakan Model Ekonomi Baru (MEB).
“Langkah ini selaras dengan usaha kementerian untuk memartabatkan dan mempertingkatkan pencapaian sektor pengajian tinggi secara keseluruhan.
“Saya percaya usaha ini bakal memperlihatkan kecemerlangan profesor dalam bidang masing-masing serta dikenali sebagai pakar terkemuka di peringkat kebangsaan mahupun antarabangsa,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.
Beliau mengulas langkah kerajaan mengkaji skim perkhidmatan pensyarah institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) dan institut perguruan (IP) termasuk membenarkan kenaikan pangkat bagi profesor hingga ke peringkat turus tertinggi tanpa perlu memegang jawatan pentadbiran dalam universiti.

Berita baik buat semua pensyarah... Tapi tu untuk profesor..jauh lagi perjalanan nak sampai jadi profesor...

Rumah tengah naik

Alhamdulillah recently i went back to Pahang... on the way from Pekan I visited my new house still in progress... here is the photo.. it is expected by the end of this year will finish.. may be early of next year..

Insyallah hopefully everything on schedule...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My two daughters...... Insyirah 4 years & Iffah 1.5 years

di giant bayan baru, pulau pinang

Taman Ilmu
Tepi sungai pekan lama

Monday, March 8, 2010



The following was taken from a lecture given by Habib Ali al-Jifri in the blessed city of Tarim in the majestic valley of Hadramauwt, Yemen. Habib Ali gave commentary on the book "The means of arrival to the characteristics of the Messenger (SS)," by Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani. He expanded the topic to encompass brotherhood and da'wah

You can extract an important principle of da'wah from the many names of the Prophet (SS); which are, the essence of da'wah…praiseworthy attributes. Without having praiseworthy attributes that have been inherited from the Prophet (SS), it is rare for a person to have Allah (SW) guide others by his hands. Struggling to acquire and inculcate these attributes into our being is preparation for the reality of the da'wah that must be given. From amongst the most important of these attributes is to love good for others. Whoever is sincere and a true caller to Allah, and the light of da'wah becomes firm in his heart, will want the greatest good for everyone. So how could it weigh heavy on one's heart for people to receive blessings?

A sign that you have begun to love good for others is the manifestation of this attribute in your relationship with your brothers who are near to you. If you see that Allah (SW) singles out one of your brothers with a particular blessing, either worldly or religious, it is incumbent that you search deep into your heart and find feelings of sincere happiness for him. It is stated in a hadith, "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself." A sign of this love is that you do not become quickly angered if your brother makes a mistake while trying to do something good. Rather than opposing or criticizing him, you should assist him in the rectification of his mistake in a gentle way. It is not easy to have this attribute become firmly planted in the heart, because envy (hasad) is subtle, even a m o n g y o u r companions. However, by being sincere and turning to Allah Most High continuously, this affair becomes easy. So, if you see that Allah (SW) has blessed one of your brothers with uprightness, enlightenment, or righteousness, and it weighs heavy on your heart, the cure for this is to pray that Allah increase him in what He has given him. Say:

O Allah, increase him!
O Allah, give him openings!
O Allah, give him Divine success!
O Allah, guide others by means of him!

The existence of the darkness of envy in the soul is a sign of not loving good for others. If Allah bestows a blessing up someone, you might say to yourself, "Masha-Allah, Allah has blessed him with that." However, if he happens to make the slightest mistake, you become angered and say things like, "He doesn't know what he i s doing! He doesn't understand! He ' s not benefiting people!" Pay attention to what you are saying here. Which is greater, the good he was doing, or the mistake that he made?

Another sign that the heart does not desire good for others is hastening to mention people's errors. This does not mean that you remain silent about the mistakes. Rather, it is upon you to advise your brother and strive to rectify the fault, without diminishing their honor. Your duty when rectifying is to correct the mistake, not to diminish the stature of the one who made the blunder. There is a big difference there is between the two. From the subtle, evil aspects of the soul regarding this, is the claim that your self is perfect and the other is deficient. Take for instance, when one says, "I am more knowledgeable than him. How could he be the one who does that? How could he have more students? Why are people praising him?" This is claiming that the self is perfect. Or when one says, "I have been studying longer than him. I have more sincerity than him,"

I. I. I. Do you know who said "I?" Pay attention! The one who said, "I," was Iblis. "I am better than him. You created me of fire, while You created him of mud." (7:12) He (Iblis), laughs at you and makes you his student when you say, "I" like he did. You are students of the inheritors of the Prophet (SS), not of Iblis.

 As for the other aspect of seeking deficiencies in your brother, when you say things like, "He does not know. He doesn't understand. He made a mistake in that. He didn't organize this, etc." What is your intention in saying these things? If your intention is to try to rectify his mistake, may Allah bless you because loving good for people necessitates this. However, if your intention when he makes a mistake is that you don't want him to do something good, sacrifice, or work hard… look into your hearts. Do you want to stop a good action from being done? Pay attention to what is going on.

Also, from among the signs of not desiring good for others, is your desire to disassociate yourself from your brother and not advise him when you know he made a mistake. You might avoid speaking against, criticizing, or belittling him, but then say things like, "I don't want to have anything to do with the affair. Leave it to him. L e t him make mistakes. People will see later that he is wrong." This is your intention? For your brother to be exposed? You know that he is wrong, yet you just leave him? It is your duty to give him advice. It is your duty to inform him. It is your duty to give him a hand. It is your duty to pray for him secretly. It is your duty to tell someone who will be able to advise him if you are unable to. However, to see your brother make a mistake, and not say anything to him about it, is treachery. This attribute should never be in religious people. Do not wait to implement this attribute. This is a principle of daw'ah that must be implemented now. Mutual concern for one other, giving advice to one another, desiring good for one another, hastening to serve one another, these are all signs that you are sincere. And if you are sincere, and implement these attributes, Allah will benefit others through you.

People from the western countries come from societies that Allah has given a type of worldly advancement. From this advancement is the attribute of seriousness regarding worldly affairs that causes one to constantly work hard. If this attribute becomes separated from your connection with Allah Most High, it leads to a blameworthy attribute in the soul (selfishness) and not being concerned with others. We must take the good aspects of these societies, such as seriousness and hard work, and connect them to a divine meaning one that entails directing them towards the next life, not towards this world. The f r u i t of implementing this i s deliverance from the blameworthy aspect of the self. Each one of you must feel that all of your brothers around you are a sacred trust upon you. You must think of ways to help them in everyway you can. In adapting these attributes of seriousness and hard work, the difference between a Muslim and a non- Muslim is that his seriousness and hard work is for the sake of Allah Most High, not for the life of this world. By focusing on this, you will be rid of selfishness and actualize the saying of the Prophet (SS) that, "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself."

Seek this affair (of true brotherhood) by taking five steps of action. The first step of action is to have a daily litany (wird) of supplication (du'a) for your brothers. Habib Umar has a specific (du'a) one can make for his brothers, which is titled, "The Prayer of Brotherhood." [This translated du'a can be found on page #] Seek closeness to Allah Most High by supplicating for your brothers. This is the first step of action.

The second step of action is to devote a certain time of the day to serving your brothers, outside of your classes, study time, and other obligations. Don't think that by devoting a short time to the service of your brothers will hinder your daily routine. Rather, it will be a means for openings, and will benefit you by giving you experience in service (Khidma).

The third step of action is to not sleep at night with something in your heart against your Muslim brother; regardless of what happened, or whether you were right or wrong. If you are unable to rid your heart of it, go and speak to the person, but with love and sincerity. Say: "I feel in my heart such and such towards you. Maybe I am wrong, but help me rid my heart of this." The one who is content to sleep while harboring something in his heart against his Muslim brother is treacherous. If you are unable to rid your heart of it, unable to speak to him, or find it hard for him to accept your approaching him, then go to a third person. Go to an understanding, trustworthy person that you rely on, and tell him that you are unable to rid yourself of what you have in your heart against brother. Ask that person: "How do I get rid of what is in my heart?" This animosity towards your brother is filth; don't be content to sleep at night with filth in your heart. This is extremely important.

The fourth step of action is to avoid speaking against any of your brothers. Don't say anything that your brother would dislike if he were to become aware of what you said. You may only speak to the extent that is needed to rectify a wrong and give advice. You must address him first, if you are unable to, a third person that you know could benefit the situation by influencing him, or speaking to him. But to let your tongue loose and talk negatively about him saying things like, "So and so did this. So and so doesn't know. So and so made a mistake. So and so just wants this for himself. So and so just wants to be known." What does saying these things really mean? This is backbiting (ghibah), and completely impermissible.

How could this be an action of one who is preparing himself to be from the elect of the Ummah by seeking knowledge and giving service to the Din? You can speak to the extent that is necessary to rectify the mistake, but it is not permissible to criticize or dishonor your brother. If you are able to gently allude to your brother's imperfection (‘Aib) to rectify the situation, it is better than speaking to him directly. If you are able to simply move your lips to inform the person, it is better than raising your voice so that others can hear. If you can speak directly to him, it is not permissible to speak to another about it. If there is one person that can help rectify the mistake, then it is not permissible to speak to two. If two people can rectify the mistake, then you can't speak to three. You must speak to the minimal amount of people needed to rectify the mistake. This mistake is considered to be from the nakedness (‘awrah) of your brother so you should strive to veil the mistake and not expose it. If someone was sitting, and, unintentionally, part of his nakedness became uncovered, and you happen to see this, then you should inform him. If he is far and you are unable to speak to him, don't tell a person to your right or left, or who is in front or back of you, only tell the person who is closest to him so that he can tell him. When the person tells him, he will cover his nakedness and say, "May Allah reward you." But if you were to see the nakedness of someone exposed, and then say to the one next to you, "Look! His nakedness is exposed." And then he says to the person next to him, "Look! his nakedness is exposed." And then he says to the one next to him, "Look! his nakedness is exposed." Did you rectify the situation or humiliate your brother? Is this an affair of our Din? The spiritual nakedness is more severe than the physical nakedness regarding your brother's honor.

The fifth step of action is to distinguish between judging something that is from the unseen and something that you clearly see. There is a difference between actually seeing a mistake of your Muslim brother and thinking that your Muslim brother had a bad intention.

For instance, one of your brothers wears a big turban, robe, shawl, and carries prayer beads, and if someone wants to kiss his hand, he sticks it out for them to kiss. Yes, this type of action is blameworthy. The appropriate etiquette, as we have seen from our teachers, even the elderly of them, is that if someone kisses their hand, they also try to kiss their hand. So to advise your brother regarding this is acceptable because it was something you clearly saw. But to say things like, "So and so is just showing off! So and so just wants to be known by people!" Amazing! This is an intention that is in the heart, so how did you see it? It is impermissible to judge something that is from the unseen with a bad opinion (su' al-dhann). Maybe your brother became heedless. Maybe he was negligent. Maybe he didn't pay attention. In terms of his intentions, have the best of opinions regarding them, even when he makes a mistake. And, at the same time, don't leave the mistake. Rather, give sincere advice and try to rectify the situation.

Another example, for instance, if one of your brothers is given success (Tawfiq) by Allah to open a school and build a mosque, but he wants to do all of the arrangements and the activities himself. He doesn't want his brothers to take any part. He wants to arrange the mosque. He wants to arrange the classes. He wants to arrange the Daw'ah activities. Him. Him. Him. This is a mistake because he is unable to do everything by himself. He must consult his brothers and include them in the work. However, we don't say, "So and so is selfish, he only loves himself, so and so wants to be known by others.

The first problem is with you not with him! Cure the filth that is in you! How could it be heavy on your heart for Allah to bring about something good on the hands of your brother? What if someone told him, "Your brother is saying that you are selfish and that you only want good for yourself?" Then, he says, "And he is envious! He also doesn't want good for me!" Each one of them is judging the other about something that is from the unseen. Does this establish anything? Da'wah is not established this way.

The proper way to deal with this situation is to offer your service to your brother. You should tell him, "I want to serve you. What do you want me to do? Do you want me to sweep the mosque? Do you want me to clean the bathrooms? Brother, you are doing something good, and I want to serve along with you in this good." Don't tell him, "You must take my opinion! You must consult me! Don't do everything by yourself!" By saying comments of this sort, you are proving that your desire to give service is for the sake of yourself, not for the sake of Allah. At the same time, you don't say, "He didn't consult me so I am not going to help him. He can work alone. I don't want to have anything to do with it." What is this? Is this his da'wah or yours, or is it the da'wah of the Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (SS)?

Wanting to give your opinion, even with a good intention, desiring good for your brother, is not praiseworthy in its essence. Loving to serve is what is praiseworthy. There is a difference between loving to serve and wanting to give your o p i n i o n , a b i g difference. Habib Umar once said, "Anyone who serves the Din in any way, in the east or the west, it is incumbent upon us to serve him to the extent that we are able." We don't say, "This is my school. This is my way (Tariqah). This is my institution. This is my organization. This is ours, and that is theirs." As long as it is a part of the Din, done with the correct understanding and methodology, it is incumbent to serve them. They are building a foundation of the Din, which is in reality, one foundation. If someone is constructing something and you tell him that you want to help, but he tells you, "I don't need you. You don't know how to build." Don't leave. Say to yourself, "If he doesn't want me to build, then I will help him by preparing what he needs so that he can build." If he says to you, "You don't know how to mix cement properly." You say to him, "Okay, I will bring you the cement and pour water on top of it and then you mix it. I just want to serve." But, if he says to you, "You don't know the correct measurements of the cement and the water." You say, "Fine. I will bring the cement and the water and you make the correct measurements." If he says to you, "You don't know how to carry the cement, you will ruin it (he is being stubborn and just doesn't want you to help)." You say, "Okay. I will clean the car that carries the cement." If he says to you, "You don't understand anything! You are not able to do anything! You can't help!" Remain quiet and leave him until he goes inside his room and takes his shoes off, and then clean his shoes for him with the intention that these are shoes that became dusty from serving the Din.

How can we attain these attributes that were mentioned? How can it become a reality within us? First, by realizing that we are completely poor and in need to serve the Din and the Din does not need us. We should fear to meet Allah without having served His Din. Second, by realizing that we don't deserve to serve the Din, rather, we should hope that by the grace of Allah, He will honor us to be from among those who serve the Din. If this becomes firmly implanted in your heart, Allah will use you for the service of His Din. But, if you believe that the service of the Din is in need of you, and say things like, "Leave them! They will eventually know who I am. They don't know how to do anything. They will try, but fail, and then come running to me. I am the one who knows how to do it." Does Allah need you? Are you crazy?! You believe that Allah needs you?! The Din needs you?! Or to say, "They didn't give me a good position. I deserve a higher position than that which they gave me." What do you deserve?! Or if you say, "I have this and this." What do you really have?! Were Allah to expose your smallest sin, no one would even greet you. So, we must be humble and broken before Allah and annihilate ourselves in the love of service.

One scholar recently took a daw'ah trip and was scheduled to give a talk at a certain university. The people of this university had certain views that differed from the views of the scholar who was going to give the lecture. When they found out about the ideologies of the scheduled speaker, they cancelled the lecture. After this, the students of the scholar were upset and complained about what happened. But the scholar said, "Let's go visit them." The students then said, "But they cancelled the lecture?" And to this the scholar said, "We are not going for the lecture. We are going to visit them for the sake of Allah Most High." When he went, the administration was surprised to see the scholar and told him, "We're sorry. Our students have exams. We are unable to have the lecture." But, the scholar said, "I didn't come for the lecture. I came to visit you for the sake of Allah." The administration gathered with the teachers and they all sat together, and welcomed the scholar, and eventually forced him to speak. He spoke a light, gentle speech, without showing any anger, and then when he was leaving, the administration walked with him and asked his forgiveness for all happened. This is the correct way (minhaj), may Allah bless you. May Allah give all of us openings and prepare us to implement these meanings and place these principles firmly in our hearts and make us from the elect that adopt them and unto the presence of the Prophet (SS). [Al-Fatiha]

There are five steps to follow when setting out on the path of achieving true brotherhood in the service of the Din.

  • The first step of action is to have a daily litany (wird) of supplication (du’a) for your brothers.
  • The second step of action is to devote a certain time of the day to serving your brothers, outside of your classes, study time, and other obligations.
  • The third step of action is to not sleep at night with something in your heart against your Muslim brother; regardless of what happened, whether you were right or wrong.
  • The fourth step of action is to avoid speaking against any of your brothers.
  • The fifth step of action is to distinguish between judging something that is from the unseen and something that you clearly see.

Tentang Yakjud Makjud

Bismillahirrahmanir rahim…

WASHINGTON — Weekly World News telah mendedahkan tentang penemuan mengejutkan mengenai satu kaum primitif yang di panggil Mole People hidup 20 batu di bawah tanah, menggunakan terowong rahsia untuk memasuki United States! Penemuan ini telah dibuat bukan oleh ahli kaji purba, tetapi oleh saintis NASA yang menggali jauh ke dalam Bumi – dan mereka cuba menyembunyikan kewujudan kaum ini dari pengetahuan awam ...

Seorang pekerja NASA yang tidak mahu dikenali telah mendedahkan gambar-gambar eksklusif and informasi mengenai kaum ‘orang gua’ ini. “Cerita ini harus diberitahu,” kata sumber itu. “Ia terlalu besar untuk disorok”. Sumber itu telah mendedahkan beberapa rahsia besar mengenai Mole People. “Nampaknya mereka seperti kaum yang peramah”, beliau berkata, “Tetapi mereka amat primitif. Kami cuba berkomunikasi dengan mereka, tetapi ia satu kerja yang susah memandangkan mereka tidak tahu bahasa English”.

“Mole People, sebagaimana yang kami panggil, mempunyai laluan senang untuk ke muka Bumi (surface world)”, kata sumber itu. “Dengan demikian, President Bush mengendalikan situasi ini dengan penuh berhati-hati. “Tersilap langkah boleh mengakibatkan makhluk ini mengisytiharkan perang dengan manusia di atas. Kami tidak pasti berapa jumlah mereka ini. Kami baru melihat satu bandar setakat ini, dengan anggaran 2000 orang Mole tinggai di situ. “Tetapi ada pihak yang menyatakan bahawa mungkin berjuta-juta orang Mole tinggal merata-rata di dalam bandar-bandar bawah tanah, berselerak di bawah muka Bumi”.

Makhluk itu mempunyai beberapa persamaan dengan manusia – dan juga sedikit perbezaan. “Seperti kita, mereka berjalan dengan dua kaki, tetapi mereka jauh lebih tinggi dari manusia biasa – setinggi 8 ke 10 kaki tinggi. Jari-jari mereka seperti kuku binatang. Dan tangan mereka juga seperti kaki itik (webbed), direka untuk menggali, bukan seperti kuku mole” “Kulit mereka sangat kuat. Ia adalah untuk menahan panas yang melampau dan juga keadaan yang teruk di bawah Bumi”.

“Didapati bahawa terdapat perhubungan dan interaksi di antara manusia dengan makhluk ini suatu ketika dahulu – mereka bercakap di dalam bahasa yang hampir sama dengan dialek Navajo Lama.

Sumber itu juga menyatakan bahawa kaum Mole ini mempunyai sistem otot-otot yang sangat besar, membuatkan mereka mampu bertindak ganas. “Apabila salah seorang ahli ekspedisi itu menyalakan rokok, kaum Mole menganggap itu sebagai satu ancaman dan terus menyerang belia u”. “Mereka mencakar dan menyerang beliau seperti kucing hutan, hampir menjatuhkan beliau bersama rokoknya.. Beliau amat bertuah selamat dan hidup dari insiden itu”.

Kaum Mole amat berminat dengan dunia atas muka Bumi – pakaian, alat-alatan dan makanan terutamanya. Mereka amat meminati buah-buahan segar. “Saya belikan mereka sedikit anggur, dan mereka terus berpestadan bersukaria”, mengikut kata sumber.

“Amat jelas mereka tidak boleh menanam buah-buahan mereka sendiri memandangkan mereka tinggal 20 batu di bawah muka Bumi”. NASA amat berminat untuk mengkaji kaum Mole. “Kami mahu tahu segala-galanya mengenai mereka – apa yang mereka makan,bagaimana mereka tinggal dan yang paling mustahak, apakah perhubungan mereka dengan kaum manusia”.

“Kami tertanya-tanya jikalau mereka itu ada kaitan dengan manusia di dalam aspek-aspek yang tertentu. Adakah mereka adalah nenek moyang manusia moden hari ini secara genetiknya ?” Pakar berkata terdapat spekulasi yang pelbagai mengenai kaum Mole. “Mereka boleh jadi apa saja, dari Yetis (BigFoot), makhluk asing dari angkasa atau saki baki orang yang terselamat dari bandar Atlantis Yang Hilang.. Adakah makhluk itu musuh dan suka berperang ataupun peramah dan sanggup bekerjasaman? Dan bagaimana dengan minyak dan simpanan mineral di bawah Bumi? Siapa yang memiliki mereka: kaum Mole atau kita?

Bagaimanakah dengan NASA dimana misi asalnya adalah untuk meneroka ruang angkasa – telah menjumpai kaum yang hidup di bawah muka Bumi? Jurucakap NASA tidak menafikan mahupun mengiyakan laporan itu. Setelah menerima tekanan hebat dari warta wan , jurucakap White House menjanjikan informasi yang dibenarkan oleh White House untuk disebarkan. Tetapi beliau telah memberi amaran “mungkin tidak untuk jangkamasa yang terdekat”.

Menurut sumber itu, NASA menjumpai kaum bawah tanah itu dalam bulan Ogos ketika sedang menjalankan projek rahsia yang di beri nama Operation Mole Hole – satu inisiatif dimana warta wan sekarang percaya ia mungkin untuk mengintip China, menggunakan “teknologi bawah tanah”.

Setakat ini NASA telah menjumpai pintu laluan rahsia ke dunia bawah tanah di kawasan sekitar Washington State’s Mount Shasta, gua Mammoth di Kentucky dan juga gua-gua yang berselerak sekitar barat daya U.S mengikut kata sumber. Berkurun lamanya manusia telah bercerita tentang kewujudan makhluk di bawah muka Bumi.

Sekarang, buat pertama kalinya, spekulasi itu telah dibuktikan kesahihannya. Tetapi samada makhluk-makhluk ini kawan ataupun lawan masih tidak diketahui.


Allah menceritakan kisah lelaki itu seperti firman-Nya dalam surah itu: “Mereka akan bertanya kepadamu (Muhammad) mengenai Zulkarnain. Katakanlah: ‘Aku akan bacakan kepadamu cerita mengenainya’. Sesungguhnya Kami memberi kekuasaan kepadanya di (muka) bumi, dan Kami memberikan kepadanya jalan (untuk mencapai) segala sesuatu, maka dia pun menempuh suatu jalan.

“Hingga apabila dia sampai ke tempat terbenam matahari, dia melihat matahari terbenam di dalam laut berlumpur hitam dan dia mendapati di situ segolongan umat. Kami berkata: ‘Hai Zulkarnain, kamu boleh menyeksa atau boleh berbuat kebaikan terhadap mereka’. Berkata Zulkarnain: ‘Adapun orang yang aniaya maka kami kelak akan mengazabnya dengan azab yang tidak ada taranya’.” (ayat 83 hingga 87)

“Kemudian dia menempuh jalan (yang lain).. Hingga apabila sampai ke tempat terbit matahari (Timur) dia mendapati matahari itu menyinari segolongan umat yang Kami tidak menjadikan bagi mereka sesuatu yang melindunginya dari (cahaya) matahari itu,” (ayat 89 dan 90).

“Kemudian dia menempuh suatu jalan (yang lain lagi). Hingga apabila dia sampai antara dua gunung, dia mendapati di hadapan kedua bukit itu suatu kaum yang hampir tidak mengerti pembicaraan. Mereka berkata: ‘Hai Zulkarnain, sesungguhnya Yakjuj dan Makjuj itu.

orang yang membuat kerosakan di muka bumi, maka dapatkah kami memberikan sesuatu pembayaran kepadamu, supaya kamu membuat dinding antara mereka?’.

Zulkarnain berkata: ‘Apa yang dikuasakan Tuhanku kepadaku terhadapnya adalah lebih baik, maka tolonglah aku dengan kekuatan (manusia dan alat-alat), agar aku membuatkan dinding antara kamu dan mereka, berilah aku potongan-potongan besi’.

“Hingga apabila besi itu sama rata dengan kedua (puncak) gunung itu, berkatalah Zulkarnain: ‘Tiuplah (api itu)’. Hingga apabila besi itu sudah menjadi (merah seperti) api, dia pun berkata: ‘Berilah aku tembaga (yang mendidih) agar ku tuangkan ke atas besi panas itu’.

“Maka mereka tidak bisa mendakinya dan mereka tidak bisa (pula) melubanginya. Zulkarnain berkata: ‘Ini (dinding) adalah rahmat dari Tuhanku, maka apabila sudah datang janji Tuhanku, Dia akan menjadikannya hancur luluh; dan janji Tuhanku itu adalah benar’,” (ayat 92 hingga 98).

Demikianlah secebis kisah mengenai Zulkarnain. Dalam rentetan perjalanan hidupnya, lelaki itu bertanggungjawab membina tembok bagi menghalang bangsa Yakjuj dan Makjuj mendatangkan angkara kepada manusia. Tembok binaan Zulkarnain itu hanya akan runtuh apabila dunia terlalu hampir dengan kiamat..

Misteri Yakjuj & Makjuj

Misteri: Yakjuj, Makjuj dikurung dalam tembok ajaib

Oleh Nasron Sira Rahim

DI sebalik pembinaan kota besar hasil kemajuan pembangunan dan kemodenan yang melanda hampir seluruh pelusuk dunia hari ini, masih terdapat satu kawasan rahsia di muka bumi ini yang menyimpan ribuan makhluk misteri. Sehingga kini, penerokaan demi penerokaan di seluruh kawasan bumi masih belum menemui wilayah asing itu sekali gus menyebabkan kewujudan makhluk terbabit tidak akan dikenal pasti pengkaji atau manusia umumnya.

Bagaimanapun, kewujudan makhluk itu adalah sahih dan suatu hari nanti, mereka akan muncul juga di hadapan manusia. Akan tetapi, ketika makhluk itu muncul, sudah terlambat untuk manusia berbuat apa-apa lagi. Tiada lagi kajian mengenai sejarah kewujudan atau penyelidikan sains dilakukan terhadap makhluk itu seperti penemuan artifak atau spesies baru ketika ini kerana sewaktu munculnya makhluk dikenali Yakjuj dan Makjuj itu, dunia sudah terlalu hampir dengan kiamat! Sejak dikurung ribuan tahun lalu, kewujudan dan lokasi ‘pusat tahanan’ Yakjuj dan Makjuj masih menjadi misteri kepada manusia.

Bagaimanapun, kewujudan dua makhluk itu adalah pasti lantaran ia dinyatakan dalam al-Quran serta tergolong dalam perkara ghaib yang wajib diimani manusia menerusi tanda besar berlakunya kiamat. Pensyarah Jabatan Al-Quran dan Al-Hadith, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya (API-UM), Prof Madya Dr Fauzi Deraman, berkata Yakjuj dan Makjuj bukanlah berupa haiwan atau spesies lain sebaliknya ia adalah manusia yang berasal daripada keturunan Nabi Adam AS.

Katanya, mengikut hadis, bangsa Yakjuj dan Makjuj berasal daripada keturunan anak lelaki Nabi Nuh AS iaitu Yafis yang berkembang melewati masa sehinggalah Zulkarnain membina tembok bagi menghalang mereka keluar dari lokasi mereka. “Cerita mengenai sejarah Yakjuj dan Makjuj tertera dalam al-Quran menerusi surah al-Kahfi, ayat ke-92 hingga 98 manakala kebangkitan mereka dinyatakan dalam surah an-Anbiyaa’, ayat ke-96 dan 97,” katanya. Allah berfirman menerusi ayat surah al-Kahfi itu: “Kemudian dia (Zulkarnain) menempuh suatu jalan (yang lain lagi).

Hingga apabila dia sampai antara dua gunung, dia mendapati di hadapan kedua bukit itu suatu kaum yang hampir tidak mengerti pembicaraan.. “Mereka berkata: ‘Hai Zulkarnain, sesungguhnya Yakjuj dan Makjuj itu orang yang membuat kerosakan di muka bumi, maka dapatkah kami memberikan sesuatu pembayaran kepadamu, supaya kamu membuat dinding antara mereka?’. “Zulkarnain berkata: ‘Apa yang dikuasakan Tuhanku kepadaku terhadapnya adalah lebih baik, maka tolonglah aku dengan kekuatan (manusia dan peralatan), agar aku membuatkan dinding antara kamu dan mereka. Berilah aku potongan-potongan besi’. “Hingga apabila besi itu sudah sama rata dengan kedua-dua (puncak) gunung itu, berkatalah Zulkarnain: ‘Tiuplah (api itu)’. Hingga apabila besi itu sudah menjadi (merah seperti) api, dia pun berkata: ‘Berilah aku tembaga (yang mendidih) agar aku tuangkan ke atas besi panas itu. “Maka mereka tidak dapat mendakinya dan mereka tidak dapat melubanginya.

Zulkarnain berkata: ‘Ini (dinding) adalah rahmat daripada Tuhanku, maka apabila sudah datang janji Tuhanku (kiamat), Dia akan menjadikannya hancur luluh dan janji Tuhanku itu adalah benar’.” Dalam ayat surah an-Anbiyaa’ pula, Allah berfirman: “Hingga apabila dibukakan (tembok) Yakjuj dan Makjuj; dan mereka turun dengan cepat dari seluruh tempat yang tinggi. Dan sudah dekatlah kedatangan janji yang benar (kaimat) maka tiba-tiba terbelalaklah mata orang kafir. (Mereka berkata): ‘Aduhai, celakalah kami, sesungguhnya kami adalah dalam kelalaian mengenai ini, bahkan kami adalah orang yang zalim’.”

Dr Fauzi berkata, selain dua surah al-Quran itu, terdapat banyak hadis kuat yang membicarakan mengenai Yakjuj dan Makjuj tetapi terdapat juga perbezaan pendapat di kalangan ulama mengenai ciri-ciri bangsa itu yang tidak diterangkan nas. “Hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad pula menerangkan ciri fizikal Yakjuj dan Makjuj yang antara lain bermuka bulat dan kulit kekuningan seperti wajah kebanyakan penduduk Asia Tengah. “Ulama juga cenderung mengatakan Yakjuj dan Makjuj berasal dan dikurung di benua Asia Tengah berdasarkan tafsiran ayat ke-90 dari surah al-Khafi yang menyebut Zulkarnain sampai ‘di tempat terbit matahari’ iaitu timur dunia,” katanya.

Pendapat lain menambah yang Yakjuj dan Makjuj berkemungkinan berasal daripada bangsa Tartar dan Mongul manakala lokasi tahanan mereka adalah kawasan pergunungan luas Caucasus. Beliau berkata, kebanyakan ulama menyatakan yang bangsa itu terus wujud sehingga kini tetapi dipisahkan daripada dunia manusia oleh Allah SWT menerusi tembok dibina Zulkarnain itu. Katanya, tugas bangsa itu setiap hari sejak ribuan tahun lalu adalah mengorek tembok itu untuk tembus ke dunia manusia tetapi Allah masih menghalang mereka dengan kembali meneguhkan benteng berkenaan sehinggalah hampirnya hari kiamat. “Allah akan mengizinkan tembok itu runtuh dan Yakjuj dan Makjuj bebas ke dunia manusia apabila hampirnya kiamat dan peristiwa itu menjadi satu daripada 10 tanda besar kiamat,” katanya. Yakjuj dan Makjuj juga muncul selepas kematian Dajal yang dibunuh Nabi Isa AS dan bangsa itu akan mendatangkan kerosakan besar di muka bumi.

Kekuatan mereka dikatakan luar biasa dan terlalu hebat sehingga tiada sesiapa yang mampu menewaskan kumpulan itu. “Nabi Isa AS memerintahkan manusia yang masih beriman berlindung di pergunungan bagi mengelak menjadi mangsa Yakjuj dan Makjuj; baginda kemudian berdoa kepada Allah SWT dan Allah membinasakan mereka dengan mengutuskan ulat yang menyerang belakang badan golongan itu sehingga mati. “Selepas bangsa Yakjuj dan Makjuj mati serta menjadi busuk, Allah mengutuskan seekor burung besar untuk mengangkut dan membersihkan mayat itu dari bumi,” katanya.

Menyoroti dalil kewujudan Yakjuj dan Makjuj, manusia seharusnya yakin mempertahankan akidah Islam dan tidak bertangguh memohon keampunan dan keredaan Allah kerana mereka yang masih lalai adalah golongan yang diterangkan dalam surah an-Anbiyaa’ di atas seperti firman-Nya: “(Mereka berkata): ‘Aduhai, celakalah kami, sesungguhnya kami adalah dalam kelalaian mengenai ini, bahkan kami adalah orang yang zalim’.” FAKTA Yakjuj dan Makjuj Ketika kemunculannya, mereka dikatakan akan menuju ke sebuah tasik di Palestin dan akan minum air tasik itu sehingga kering. Memiliki zuriat yang ramai dan dikatakan tidak akan mati sehingga melahirkan lebih 1,000 zuriat.

Tiada siapa mampu menewaskan mereka dan hanya binasa dengan kekuasaan Allah. Muncul selepas turunnya Nabi Isa AS dan Dajal. Dalam sebuah hadis, Rasulullah menyatakan kebimbangannya apabila pada zaman baginda, Yakjuj dan Makjuj dikatakan sudah berjaya menebuk benteng Zulkarnain sebesar bulatan dibentuk ibu jari dan jari telunjuk.

Apa pandangan atau pendapat anda tentang peristiwa di atas ?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Research proposal

Here are some guidelines if you are planning to do research especially for your PhD. Few points have to clearly stated:
  1. Define the problem with the potential solution 
  2. Global objectives
  3. Specific objectives
  4.   Hypothesis
  5.  Important of this research
  6. Scope of research
  7. Contribution to the existing technology
  8.  Intellectual property
  9. Novelty 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Importance of Juma’ah

By Sheikh Amin Abu Anas

The Friday prayer (Juma’ah Salat) is very important for each Muslim, male and female,
because it is their weekly Salat and it is a blessing that Allah bestowed on the people of
Muhammad (SAW).

The chosen one (SAW) has said, “Whoever makes an ablution, and makes it well, then
comes to the Masjid on Friday for Juma’ah, and listens to the Khutbah attentively and
keeps silent, his minor sins between that Friday and the following Friday will be forgiven,
with the addition of three more days. But, he who touches pebbles (during the Salat or
Khutbah) has caused an interruption.” It is clear from this that one should listen
attentively to the Imam during the Khutbah, and not play with anything, such as a watch,
prayer beads, or anything else, or you will lose your reward.

The Prophet (SAW) said, “The five daily prayers, and praying one Friday prayer and the
next, and the fasting of Ramadan, result in the expiation of the sins committed between
them, so long as major sins are avoided.” This does not, however, mean that the Muslims
should come to the Masjid only on Fridays, neglecting it at other times. This does not
mean either that Muslims should indulge in sins at will, thinking that they will be
forgiven anyhow.

“If a man takes a bath on Friday, or purifies himself as much as he can with ablution, oils
his hair, applies whatever perfume (or oil) available in his house, sets forth to the Masjid,
and does not separate two people (to make space for himself), offers Salat that is
prescribed for him, remains silent when the Imam speaks, his minor sins between that
Friday and the following will be forgiven,” the Prophet (SAW) has said. It is Sunnah to oil
the head and beard, put on perfume, and pay attention during the Khutbah.

The Prophet (saw) also said, “The best day on which the sun has ever risen is Friday; on
that day, Adam was created, he was admitted to Paradise, and he was expelled from
there.” He has also said, “Among the best of your days is Friday. On that day, invoke
blessings on me frequently, for your blessings are presented to me.” Rasul-Allah (SAW)
said, “The Sun does not rise nor set on a day that is better than Friday, and there is no
creature that is not scared of Friday except for humans and jinns.” They are afraid
because Judgment Day will be on a Friday.

Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet (SAW) said, “There is a time on Friday at which a
Muslim, while he is offering Salat and is supplicating, will be granted whatever he is asking for.” He indicated with his hands that this period of time is very short, the
duration kept unknown to induce Muslims to worship throughout Friday.

In a Hadith, it is said that “On Fridays, angels will be sent to the doors of the Masjid to
write down the names of the people who enter the Masjid. When the Imam goes to the
pulpit, they close their books, put down their pens, and start asking each other: ‘what has
kept so and so from coming to Juma’ah?’ They then pray: ‘Oh Allah, if so and so is
misguided, please guide him, and if he is sick, please cure him, and if he is needy, please
enrich him.’” This should encourage us to go early to the Masjid on Friday for salat.

All of us go early to the marketplace to trade. Why then do we not do the same with
Friday prayers, which benefit our salvation and help us to attain paradise? Abu Talib Al-
Macci said, “The first innovation (bida’ah) in Islam was not going early to the Masjid on
Fridays.” Ghazali adds, “Why do Muslims not feel ashamed that the Jews and Christians
go early for worship on Saturdays and Sundays?”

The Prophet (SAW) said, “If you go to Juma’ah salat and try to sit close to the Imam, then
you would be of the people of paradise. If you come late for Juma’ah, then you will be
delayed from entering paradise, although you are from its dwellers.” He forbade people
from going over worshippers’ shoulders when trying to reach the front rows; and forbade
us from interrupting prayers in any form. He also asked us to sit in the front-most rows
to show the intention of sincerity, the need for knowledge, and show humility for Allah
who forbade us from sitting in the back, because its usually meant for boys and women.

Rasul-Allah (SAW) forbade Muslims from talking to each other during the Khutbah. If
your neighbor is talking, you are not even allowed to him ask to keep quiet. Bukhari
narrates: “If you ask your friend to ‘listen’ to the Khutbah, you will lose your reward.”

Not taking part in Juma’ah salat without a legitimate excuse is a sign of hypocrisy. Allah
will harden the person’s heart and will close it from all goodness, and then it will not have
any mercy and will not accept any guidance. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “I wanted to
leave a man in my place to lead Juma’ah salat, so I can go and burn down the houses of
those who did not come for salat, because this would be easier on them than hellfire.”

It is very rewarding to read Surat Al-Kahf on Fridays before the salat. The Prophet (SAW)
said, “Whoever reads Surat Al-Kahf on Fridays, there will be a bright light to shine for
him between the two Fridays.”

Kisah Musa a.s Bagi Ikhtibar H1N1

Diceritakan bahwa Musa as. pernah mengeluh kepada Allah swt karana menderita sakit gigi. Maka Allah swt memerintahkan: “Ambillah rumput orang itu dan letakkan pada gigi kamu!” Lalu Musa a.s pun berbuat demikian, maka sakitnya pun sembuh.

Beberapa hari kemudian, sakit gigi yang dialami Musa a.s datang lagi. Maka Musa a.s pun mengambil kembali rumput yang pernah diambil dulu dan meletakkan pada giginya. Hasilnya bukan bertambah sembuh, sebaliknya sakit giginya bertabah teruk dari biasa. Lansung dari itu Musa a.s pun mengadu kepada Allah swt dengan katanya, “ Wahai Tuhanku, bukankan engkau mengarahkan aku untuk berbuat demikian tetapi mengapa ianya tidak melegakan aku?”

Allah swt menjawab: “Wahai Musa, Akulah yang menyembuhkan dan Akulah yang menyehatkan. Aku yang memberi bencana dan akulah yang memberi manfaat. Kali pertama kamu datang kepadaKu dan mengharapkan pertolongan Aku, lalu Aku sembuhkan sakit kamu. Sekarang engkau menuju kepada rumput dan tidak menuju kepada-Ku.”

( Petikan dari : “Nuruzh-Zhalâm” karya Syekh Nawawi Banten dengan sedikit olahan )

Targhib :

H1N1 menjadi permasaalahan pada kita sekarang ini. Sedangkan yang menyembuh dan mendatangkan penyakit adalah Allah swt. Dia jugalah yang berhak menghilangkan penyakit selama mana kita kembali kepadaNya. Selama kita tidak medahului Allah swt, maka selama itulah kita akan mengeluh dengan segala wabak penyakit yang di datangkan.

Kalau kita lansung kepada ubat / penawar dan membelakangi Allah swt dua perkara mungkin akan berlaku.

Pertama : Sembuh dari sakit

Kedua : Akan terus menderita dengan penyakit berkenaan dan membawa kepada kematian.

Kalau kita sembuh dari sakit tersebut sekali pun namun sakit “dalaman” kita tidak akan sekali-kali sembuh. Penyakit keyakinan kepada “Ghairullah” tidak akan hilang sehingga mati. Hakikatnya penyakit ini lebih dasyat dan berbahaya dari penyakit zahir yang kita hidapi.Bayangkanlah kalau kematian datang menjemput pada ketika ini. Nauzubillah!

Sebaliknya kalau kita menderita dengan penyakit berkenaan dan membawa kepada kematian sedangkan dalaman kita masih sihat, keyakinan kita tidak rosak. Keyakinan kepada Allah akan bertambah kuat. “Ghairullah” akan keluar dari hati kita. Kita akan mati dengan keyakinan yang kuat pada Allah swt. Mafhum dari hadith Nabi saw kita dikira mati syahid dan segala dosa-dosa akan diampunkan oleh Allah swt.

Kita berhak memilih, jadi yang mana satukah pilihan kita?

Petikan dari


Abu Said Al-Khudri r.a. berkata: Rasulullah saw. menceritakan kapada kami tentang Dajjal riwayat yang panjang, dan diantara yang disabdakan: Akan datang Dajjal dan haram atasnya untuk masuk Madinah, sehingga ia berada di luar kota dataran luas, lalu ada seorang mukmin yang terbaik dari semua orang datang berkata kepadanya: Aku bersaksi bahwa engkau Dajjal yang telah diceritakan oleh Nabi saw. Lalu Dajjal berkata: Bagaimana jika aku bunuh orang ini kemudian aku hidupkan kembali, apakah kalian ragu tentang aku? Jawab mereka: Tidak. Lalu dibunuh orang itu kemudian dihidupkannya kembali, maka orang itu langsung berkata: Demi Allah kini aku lebih yakin tentang dirimu bahwa engkau Dajjal. Maka berkata Dajjal: Apakah aku bunuh lagi. Tetapi Allah tidak mengizinkan sehingga tidak dapat membunuhnya. (Bukhari, Muslim)


Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata: Nabi saw. bersabda: Diantara dua kali tiupan sangkakala itu kira-kira empat puluh. Ditanya apakah empat puluh hari? Jawab Abu Hurairah r.a.: Aku tidak berkata itu. Ditanya: Empat puluh bulan? Jawabnya: Aku tidak berkata begitu. Ditanya: Empat puluh tahun? Jawabnya: Aku tidak berkata begitu. Kemudian Allah menurunkan hujan maka tumbuhlah manusia yang sudah mati bagaikan tumbuhnya biji. Tiada sesuatu dari jasad manusia melainkan rusak kecuali satu tulang di belakang punggung yang terbawah, tulang ekor, dari itulah tersusunnya mahluk di hari kiamat. (Bukhari, Muslim).

First time use blog

This is the first time I use blog..
very useful for collecting information,sharing,connecting and so on.

Manfaat Dan Khasiat Buah Salak Untuk kesehatan

Manfaat buah salak bagi kesehatan buah salak memang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan salah satu manfaat buah salak bagi kesehatan adalah u...